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Chief Resident Pediatrics Physician


The Pediatric Chief Resident works to enhance communication between the resident staff, the staff/faculty, and the technical staff and functions as a liaison between the residents and the program leadership. The Chief Resident acts as an advocate for the resident staff and promotes resident interests in conjunction with program needs and functions. He/She also works closely with the Program Directors and Program Coordinator, particularly in formulating resident rotation schedules, resident orientation programs, resident applicant interviews, and resident morale issues.

Approximately 60% of time will be dedicated to chief resident duties and 40% of time will be spent clinically as an attending.


  • Advanced clinical degree (MD or DO)
  • Academic appointment at Associate Professor level
  • Clinically active; respected and seen as an educational/emotionally intelligent leader in area of practice
  • Positive, effective communicator
  • Quality improvement (yellow/green belt certification)
  • Patient safety


Under the supervision of attending physicians, general responsibilities of the resident physician may include:


  1. Be available at all times by pager to serve as the first point of contact for resident specific issues that
  2. Communicate regularly with the Program Director and Program
  3. Maintain communication among the resident staff in the form of meetings, electronic or written memorandums, or by other Meet regularly with the resident body (at least quarterly at morning or noon conference time).
  4. Inform the Program Director of important issues involving the resident


  1. Arrange the yearly resident rotation schedules and make appropriate
  2. changes during the year as
  3. Maintain and schedule daily work schedules, including coverage for official holidays and the Christmas/New Year holiday weeks, with assistance from the Program Directors and Program Coordinator.
  4. Coordinate coverage for resident absence due to sick days, vacation days, personal days, wellness days and attendance at meetings/conferences, Maintain records of and Inform Program Coordinator of resident absences.
  5. Maintain record of all covered shifts (both those who owe and who are owed) on MedHub and communicate this regularly to
  6. Notify Program Coordinator by email when a change is made to the rotation schedule in Amion.


  1. Participate in all interview days to interview the residency candidates (Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan.). If a conflict arises, communicate with the PD's and PC to arrange an
  2. Ensure adequate resident staff participation in the residency candidate interview process.
    • Virtual Social Hours (2-3 per year)
    • Arranging WebEx host
    • Interview Day Lunch & CHaD Rounds (11:45-1:00)


Assist the Program Director and Program Coordinator with new resident orientation at end of June.


  1. Work with program leadership to determine specific session topics and
  2. Take charge of planning sessions and free time/group fun time. (Facilitate intern talent show during fall retreatCommunicate with venue/vendors, along with the Program Coordinator, to facilitate meeting space, housing and food needs
  3. Ensure coverage for
  4. Inform all rotation directors of


  1. Meet weekly with the Residency Leadership
  2. Meet quarterly or as needed with the
  3. Meet as needed with the Clerkship
  4. Attend regularly scheduled residency educational
    1. Program Evaluation Committee (PEC)
    2. Clinical Competency Committee (CCC)
  5. Attend department faculty meetings.
  6. Attend additional meetings, as requested by the Program Director, Vice Chair for Education or Chair.


Clinical Requirements:

  1. Serve as attending physician on the Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine service for a minimum of 4 weeks (7 days)
    1. This will include at minimum one week (7 days) of night shifts.
  2. Serve as attending physician in the Normal Newborn Nursery for a minimum of 2 Weeks (7 days).
  3. Serve as attending physician for two holidays:
    1. One winter holiday as the ward attending.
    2. One summer holiday as the nursery attending.
  1. Serve as DOC (lead or second) or Attending in Primary Care Pediatrics Ambulatory Clinics. Division of outpatient time will be formalized with the Ambulatory Education Director and Medical Director, depending on Chief Resident interests.
    1. Weekly DOC alternating with primary medical student teaching sessions for a total of 40 sessions over the course of the year.
    2. This may be scheduled as primary care clinic service weeks over the course of the year for a total of 5 weeks of service.
  2. An additional equivalent of 2 weeks of clinical services should be completed. These 2 weeks can be comprised of:
    1. Newborn nursery attending days/weeks
    2. Ward attending days/weeks
    3. DOC Sessions (8 DOC sessions is equivalent to one week of service)

Moonlighting (inpatient or outpatient) is permitted as available provided it does not conflict with other Chief Resident responsibilities.


  1. Attend the Fall NEPPD Meeting
  2. Attend the Spring APPD Meeting as a PGY3


  1. Assist in editing/updating of residency policies and rotation goals & objectives, especially with regard to changes in the daily demands of the
  2. Other duties as assigned by the Program

Minimum Qualifications:

Applicants must meet one of the following qualifications to be eligible for appointment to Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-accredited residency and fellowship programs at D-H:

  1. Graduates of medical schools in the United States and Canada accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and successful completion of any pre-requisite accredited training specified by ACGME Residency Review Committees. Some programs require successful passage of board exams (or good faith effort to pass) for promotion through subsequent years of fellowship.
  2. Graduates of colleges of osteopathic medicine in the United States accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and successful completion of any pre-requisite accredited training specified by ACGME Residency Review Committees.
  3. Graduates of medical schools outside the United States and Canada who meet one of the following qualifications:
    1. Have a currently valid certificate from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates prior to appointment, or
    2. Have a full and unrestricted license to practice medicine in a US licensing jurisdiction in which they are in training, and
    3. Successful completion of any pre-requisite accredited training specified by ACGME Residency Review Committees.
  4. Graduates of medical schools outside the United States who have completed a Fifth Pathway program* provided by an LCME-accredited medical school and successful completion of any pre-requisite accredited training.
  5. Academic year of supervised clinical education provided by an LCME-accredited medical school to students who meet the following conditions: (1) have completed, in an accredited college or university in the United States, undergraduate premedical education of the quality acceptable for matriculation in an accredited United States medical school; (2) have studied at a medical school outside the United States and Canada but listed in the World Health Organization Directory of Medical Schools; (3) have completed all of the formal requirements of the foreign medical school except internship and/or social service; (4) have attained a score satisfactory to the sponsoring medical school on a screening examination; and (5) have passed either Parts I and II of the examination of the National Board of Medical Examiners or Steps 1 and 2 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).

Required Licensure/Certification Skills:

  • Current New Hampshire Medical License
  • Current ABMS Board Certification - Board Eligible and we cover cost of taking the exam
  • Active hospital staff membership

Required Licensure/Certifications

  • Current New Hampshire Medical License
  • Current ABMS Board Certification
  • Active hospital staff membership

Chief Resident Pediatrics Physician

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health
Lebanon, NH
Full Time

Published on 02/28/2025

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