Physicians Assistant or Nurse Practitioner
The Physician Assistant (PA) or Nurse Practitioner (APRN) coordinates the provision of medical care in the Emergency Department in the absence of a physician and collaborates with other professionals and hospital departments to meet the needs of patients. The care given by the Physician Assistant is guided by the medical staff delineation of privileges and hospital credentialing processes, hospital policies and procedures, applicable laws and standards, and the scope of the Physician Assistant license.
The Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner:
- Perform an initial medical assessment of patients and determine the course of medical treatment in consultation with the physician (as needed and/or desired by the physician).
- Initiate appropriate treatment, perform procedures, administer medication, and perform patient education.
- Maintain control of pre-hospital care of patients and/or victims by radio contact with the ambulance.
- Work cooperatively with Nursing Services personnel to ensure the smooth operation of Emergency Services.
- Delegate patient care responsibilities according to the level of care required.
Perform other duties as requested or assigned. May be expected to work varying hours, holidays, and weekends.
- Meets the requirements of NMRMC credentialing.
- Preferred, but not required.